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A training or deveopment process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional competence result or goal. An informal relationship between two individuals where one has greater experience and expertise than the other and offers advice and guidance as the other goes through a learning process. Asking questions and offering opprtunities that will challenge the coachee to find answers from within.

Where there is Will, Change Follows

Charlene Kemp, cart

Certified Anger Resolution Therapist, Optimization Coach, Law of Attraction Practitioner and Business Coach.


Charlene believe every area of life has hope and potential for growth. Giving up and giving in isn't a option for my clients. The road in life is very narrow and sometimes painful but inevitable.  Our thoughts and the way we process the journey is where the battle begins. Charlene believe that walking this road with someone makes the journey a little more clear and little less painful when someone is navigating with you.


No matter where you are in life: relationship, new career, starting a business endeavor, thinking of marriage, in need of spiritual guidance or simply needing the extra for personal development, Change In View would be a good place to start.


Charlene has a story but she's not her story. Through the pain, suffering and broken marriage Charlene have managed to pick up the pieces, use it to her advantage, share it with the world and thus Change In View was created.


Change In View  will help you understand perspective in the way we understand and communicate with others. We don't always open ourselves up to the fact that it's ok to have different views and yet still be on the same page. Understanding is half the battle. It's communicating the issue that creates the difference in how we view a sensitive topic. Will I allow myself to see a different point of view?  Will I go further and put myself in your shoes?  These are the questions that must be asked when handling all areas of life.




I thank you for the direction you have help me get on. My life was definitly on a downward spiral until i began taking sessions. Since then i have made adjustments to organize my finances, relationship and take time for myself. 


Charlene you are a God send for couples dealing with conflict in marriage. Thank you for the spiritual guidance.





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